

在加州计算机公司, we know the importance of your computer, data, and time. We offer exceptional computer repair services in the Los Angeles area to guarantee the repair, 维护, and proper saving of your data while saving you time by having one of our experienced technicians repair your device.



Our team of expert computer technicians provides dependable repair services for all desktop, 移动PC, PC, 和苹果设备. 位于洛杉矶西部,交通便利, we employ advanced diagnostics and resolve performance issues with precision care - securing the ongoing functioning of your technology.

拥有帮助成千上万满意客户的经验, both businesses and individuals trust our reliable support team for total peace of mind. We preempt problems through preventative 维护 and guidance - ensuring the continued service life and value of our client's critical computing devices.

  • 快速的服务

  • 授权电脑维修

  • 本地拥有 & 操作

  • 1年劳动 & 部分保修

  • CompTIA A+认证技术人员


  • 专家诊断和故障排除: 我们查明问题与您的电脑,以确定需要维修.
  • 清除病毒和恶意软件: We thoroughly scan systems and safely eliminate harmful infections and security threats.
  • 硬件维修: 我们有复杂修理的零件和技术, 从更换损坏的屏幕到主板组件级的微焊接.
  • 数据备份和恢复: We rescue important files and emails from failed hard drives and corrupted systems.
  • 操作系统安装: We can cleanly install or reinstall Windows, Mac OS, or Linux to boost performance.
  • 软件故障排除: Glitchy programs and applications do not match our savvy software troubleshooters.
  • 电脑清洁 & 调整: 我们清除硬件灰尘,污垢和临时文件,以最快的速度.
  • 无线网络设置 & 支持: 我们确保快速,可靠的WiFi遍及家庭和办公室.
  • 新电脑设置 & 传输: 我们熟练地配置新系统,并从旧设备迁移数据/设置.
  • 电脑回收 & 处理: 在可持续的电子垃圾回收之前,我们安全地清除旧机器上的数据.
  • 游戏电脑大楼 & 优化: 我们用顶级组件组装高性能的游戏设备, 微调所有的软件和硬件的最大帧每秒, 无缝流畅的游戏玩法.

苹果电脑维修 & 支持

苹果生产的设备是在受限环境下运行的. 尽管苹果的硬件和软件都很容易使用, 维护和修理他们的产品带来了许多挑战.

在加州计算机公司, we have an 苹果服务中心 to provide you with all your 苹果 product repair needs. 我们雇佣苹果认证的、值得信赖的技术人员,这些技术人员是苹果定期推荐的. They provide same-day repairs for your iMacs, MacBooks, iPhones, iPads, and iPods. 请致电+1(800)727-2552乐投letou下载的apple认证服务中心.

我们将专注于我们卓越的苹果电脑维修服务, 您可以信赖哪个提供可靠, 高质量的维修. 苹果电脑的更换成本很高. Cost-friendly repairs will save you money and allow you to extend the lifespan of your existing device.

Our technicians are certified and trained in 苹果 product repair and 维护. 服务包括:

  • 苹果电脑屏幕维修: We replace cracked or malfunctioning 苹果 移动PC and desktop screens with brand-new high-quality components.
  • 苹果数据恢复: 我们利用强大的数据恢复软件和硬件来抢救文件, 文档, 媒体腐败, 损坏的, 或者删除存储驱动器.
  • 苹果RAM升级: We upgrade your Mac's memory capacity with new RAM modules to improve system performance, 让你在没有延迟或中断的情况下进行多任务处理.
  • 苹果数据备份: We configure ongoing cloud or external drive backups to securely protect your essential 苹果 data and ensure no productivity is lost from system failures.
  • 苹果硬盘维修+更换: We diagnose drive issues and replace or repair failed hard disk drives and solid-state drives

我们以及时、专业的苹果设备维修和升级而自豪. 联系 or Los Angeles store today to maintain and enhance your critical Mac systems.

联想台式电脑 & 乐投letou下载维修服务

作为联想授权维修中心,维修联想乐投letou下载, thinkpad, 台式电脑, 服务器, 和平板电脑. 我们的授权技术人员将为您维修任何联想产品, 不管损害有多大, 模型, 或一年. 让我们来修理你的联想电脑. 请致电+1(800)727-2552乐投letou下载的联想授权服务中心.

乐投letou下载 provides complete repair services for all issues your 联想 may encounter. 这里有一些问题,你可以信任加州计算机解决:

  • Thinkpad修复
  • 直流插孔维修
  • 主板维修
  • 筛网维修及更换
  • 电池更换
  • 键盘修复
  • 内存和RAM升级
  • 硬盘升级
  • 数据恢复

 点击这里 查看我们提供服务的联想机型列表.


作为华硕认证的维修服务中心, 我们的技术人员可以将您的华硕乐投letou下载或台式机恢复到最佳性能. Gaming rig restorations are a specialty - high-performance portable powerhouses fixed with expertise.

保证当天修复提供快速的可靠性. Our authorized status means remarkable repairs surpassing standard service limitations. Inventory on hand prevents supply surprises - common components allow for timely 维护.


  • 华硕屏幕更换-破裂或暗淡的显示器快速修复
  • 键盘替换-粘或无响应的键
  • AC适配器更换-电源连接恢复
  • 电池更换-持久的寿命和充电恢复
  • 游戏显卡升级-视频功率最大化的优势
  • SSD配置-存储优化的闪电速度
  • 与我们的授权帮助振兴和最大化您的华硕电脑. 呼叫该地区最好的华硕维修从真正的专家.

联系 us today for any inquiries regarding our 移动PC and desktop repair services!



An exact quotation relies first upon an assessment to determine necessary fixes. 然后,我们提供基于零件和人工的正式估算. Transparent communication of all charges provides trust and assurance before starting services. 请知道我们的定价目的是在使用OEM零件时提供最佳价值.


We fully understand the urgency of restoring one's productivity and functionality.

Our experienced computer repair technicians work diligently to diagnose issues swiftly.

We then provide expected timelines for any required part shipments and intricate installation procedures. 一般来说,大多数维修在24小时内完成. If additional parts are needed, we will notify you with new estimates before repairs will be made.



  1. Strict Access Controls: Only authorized technicians directly involved in repairing your computer have access to your data. We enforce stringent access policies to prevent any unauthorized viewing or copying of your personal information.
  2. 数据加密:在我们开始任何工作之前,您的数据是加密的. 这意味着即使数据以某种方式被截获, 它仍然是不可读的和安全的.
  3. Data Backup: As a precautionary measure, we create a complete backup of your system. 此步骤确保在修复过程中不太可能发生的数据丢失事件, 我们有一份完整的副本可以恢复.
  4. 安全网络:我们的内部网络, 在诊断期间,您的数据可能通过它传输, are secured with firewalls and anti-malware systems to protect against any external breaches.
  5. Confidentiality Agreements: Our team members are bound by confidentiality agreements, ensuring that your data is not disclosed or discussed outside of the necessary repair activities.
  6. Clear Data Handling Protocols: We adhere to a clearly defined data handling protocol, which outlines the processes for managing and protecting client data throughout the repair cycle.
  7. 修复后安全审计:在修复后, we perform a security audit to ensure that no data has been compromised and that your system remains secure.
  8. 沟通透明化:贯穿整个维修过程, 我们与您保持开放和清晰的沟通. 是否会出现任何可能影响数据安全性的问题, 我们会立即通知你,并立即采取行动.
